Saturday 30 December 2017

Be Ready to beat bugs this winter with SAW Natural Sanitizing Water

We're now half way through winter and with the widespread incidences  of influenza(flu) and other seasonal viruses one gets tired of visiting the doctor and taking a long list of medications. Children and older people, along with those with long-term medical conditions like asthma, may have been offered flu vaccinations by doctors at health clinics and/or pharmacies. 
However majority of us hardly sign up for the flu jab, consequently we’re vulnerable to picking up flu from people around us (at shops, markets, family gatherings or work places). In winters a range of other infections both bacterial as well as viral spread rapidly. 
Bacterial infections (sore throats, cough, fever) are  commonly treated with antibiotics however the overuse of antibiotics in both humans and animals is a growing worldwide concern. There is an increase in antibiotic resistance  (meaning the bacteria we're trying to treat doesn't gets kills, instead gets resistant or immune to the antibiotic). Therefore its time now to think about what we can do to reduce the use of antibiotic, starting by how we can limit the chances of falling ill for a start.

 Our five simple tips will provide you a great chance of keeping those infections at bay:
  1. Get enough sleep. Scientific data shows the immune function performing better with a good nights sleep. Aim for seven to eight hours’ sleep a night for best results.
  2. Go Outdoors. Its tempting to stay cozy, in your blanket but fresh air and some exercise stimulates blood-flow, and improves activity of brain. Outdoor activity makes makes one feel tired naturally and promotes sleep as well. 
  3. Healthily eating. In  winters, we are included to eat more comforting food generally rich in carbs/fat leading tow weight gain and lethargic feel. Eat food rich in Vitamin C such as oranges, berries, kiwi fruit and broccoli. Vitamin C is an antioxidant well established for boosting immunity.
  4. Maintain Hygiene. Bacteria and viruses are found anywhere at home, at work, and on door handles, dining tables, bathrooms etc. SAW Natural Sanitizing Water can be sprayed directly onto hands and most surfaces to kills germs on contact.
SAW Natural Sanitizing Water is a revolutionary water based healthcare spray that has been independently tested and shown to be effective against common bacteria and fungi. Our ingredients are purely natural - electrochemically activated water with natural salts. NATURAL SANITIZING WATER's active ingredient is a weak substance (Hypochlorous Acid, an antiseptic produced by the human body to kill invading germs). SAW products contain stable form of Hypochlorous Acid – which can kill upto 99.9999% of harmful germs within 60 seconds, but is completely safe for humans, pets and the ecosystem. 

To purchase multipurpose SAW SANITIZING WATER Click here 

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